It has “Mirror Grinding” Technology: The blade structure with the inclination angle and spiral depth guarantee a more efficient cut.
The precise geometry of the blades combined with their absolute balance reduces vibrations and results in powerful cutting performance.
Autoclavable drill.
Technical information
Drill reference: 7404.
Model: High Rotation – FG (19 mm).
Drill type: 12 Blades.
Drill tip type: Oval.
Rotation speed: 190,000-300,000 RPM.
ANVISA: 81144440012.
in the daily practice of Dentistry and Clinical Prosthesis professionals and the Multilaminated Carbide Drill 12 Oval Blades 7404 FG Invicta from American Burrs is a great ally in superior finishes and polishing. High rotation and 19mm, its use is recommended for all dental materials.
It has mirror gridding technology, which guarantees excellent cutting performance due to the blade’s inclination angle and its spiral depth. Its active tips are made from 100% K20 tungsten carbide, which is highly durable and maintains its shape when worn.
The shape of its blade and the conicity of the activated tip, aligned with the mandrel, were designed to avoid vibrations and promote absolute balance during procedures.