The Diamond Bits that make up the kit are Triple Layer Diamond, the only ones of this model manufactured in Brazil. This provides incomparable durability, in addition to maintaining its cutting power for much longer.
The Broker supports more than 100 autoclaving cycles and has “Same Place” technology: the pieces remain in place with the Broker closed, facilitating the transport of the material. The Broqueiro is also laser engraved with the identification of the items, making it easier to organize the pieces in all cycles.
The kit has Invicta American Burrs quality standards.
The Invicta Indirect Preparation Kit was created based on the technique of Prof. Dr. Cacá Godoy — one of the main names in Brazilian Dentistry, where he brings together the diamond tips with the most used numbers for Indirect Preparation procedures, providing greater agility in daily life and greater organization in the office.